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Five Tips for Getting Over Your Emotional Bender

Five Tips for Getting Over Your Emotional Bender

Well, shit. Yesterday sucked. BUT I'm getting over it today. Like I said in my second Diary Post - I'm not a trainwreck. Contrary to having depression and anxiety, I actually do know how and have been successful at pulling myself up by my boot straps. Here are some context for my longer-term success and 5 tips to get help you stop spiraling downward.

Diary Day 2 - I'm Not A Trainwreck I'm Just Poor AF

Diary Day 2 - I'm Not A Trainwreck I'm Just Poor AF

Hi, meet me! I'm not saying I'm the poorest person you know, but I'm probably close. Maybe I AM the poorest person you know that isn't just someone you pass on the street corner on your way to work, isn't your elderly relative living on a fixed income, or your distant cousin who's strung out on opioids. This is not to say I'm the poorest person on Earth. Its just to show you what its like to be really really poor in case you aren't. And to show you how I can't stop being poor no matter how hard I try.